U.S. Presidential candidate: ‘Behind Gülen…’

By: Salih Tuna*

But, he has a very colorful character.Who?

Donald Trump; the Republican Party candidate…

Do you want to know what I mean when I say “he has a colorful character”?

For example, he says everything that comes to his mind. He said, “The U.S. established Daesh” during his meeting in Florida. Isn’t that enough?

You might say, “What’s wrong with this?” Even babies in Turkey would understand this.

Forget about the babies, even those idiots who say “There is nothing called the superior mind” would know this.


Everyone in Turkey would know that in order to occupy and redesign the Middle East the U.S. used Daesh like a tool.

Those who follow my column would know that I had touched upon the late Aytunç Altındal’s television program seven years ago (Daesh wasn’t yet created by the U.S.) in which he had said, “The Middle East will not be left stable. They wouldn’t allow this for Israel’s security. The PKK will end and they will create a similar organization. It just won’t end, they won’t allow this. Do you know that the U.S. is now working on a new terror organization? This organization will stir the Middle East in the upcoming period, but no one seems to know… (July 11, 2016, Yeni Şafak)

But still…

If an American gets up and says, “The U.S. created Daesh” we just can’t ignore this. Especially if this is a presidential candidate.

What I am trying to get at is; all though this piece of information might not mean much to us, this is enormous for the U.S.

No! I’m not exaggerating.

Trump, the presidential candidate who uses Islamophobia as his election campaign line cannot be overlooked when he says, “We created that monstrous, throat-cutting organization.”

Well of course this isn’t the only thing he says in broad daylight.

Well what else?

He also said that Obama created this terror organization and Hillary Clinton, the Democrat Party candidate, had helped him during this period.

Aren’t they equally reliable in this case?

A day after the Republican said this in public during his election campaign, Hugh Hewitt conducted a very interesting interview with him. He said, “Did you mean Obama lost the peace?” as if trying to correct Trump.

“No,” said Trump, “I meant exactly what I said.”

As you can see he is very outright and thus his words have no room for twisting around.

He continued, “Clinton was the best actor in this, and I give her the ‘best actor of the year award.'”

Despite Hewitt’s efforts to twist things around and say that Obama hated Daesh and loved peace, Trump continued: “I don’t care. He left Iraq for Daesh to be created.”

This is it!

Do you see the pattern? They entered Iraq, left it devastated, and then created Daesh. This then induced Islamophobia to increase throughout the world. And now they are trying to create a second Israeli state as part of redesigning the region.

Which means they want the region….

And at this point, I shouldn’t forget to add; Clinton’s spokesperson said “Trump is belittling the U.S.” as a reply to Trump announcing that Obama created Daesh and Clinton was his partner in crime.

Obviously Trump is going to continue “exposing”, or as they word it “belittle” the States.

We hope he continues to expose the U.S. and confesses that the States supports FETO and that Obama and Clinton were behind the coup attempt which killed 247 people and injured more than a thousand people.

Can’t he?

Why wouldn’t he? We all saw that he was fearless didn’t we?

Besides, a while ago, one of Trump’s advisers, Peter Navarro, wrote in the National Interest that Hillary Clinton and Fetullah Gülen were pen pals. Moreover, he also wrote that Gülen (meaning FETÖ) supported Clinton’s election campaign with millions of dollars, and that they infiltrated the police force and the judicial system.

Wouldn’t it be interesting if Trump continues to expose the State’s dirty secrets and explains why Henri Barkey, the Wilson Center’s director, was in Büyükada-Istanbul on the night of July 15? Or, why Kerry suddenly left his meeting with Lavrov in Moscow and went to the Embassy to contact the Pentagon which continued for four hours?

Oh, and something else just came to my mind:

Did you know we sent boxes full of evidence to the U.S. for them to repatriate Gülen? Maybe we should just send Trump a few boxes too.

Note: Henri Barkey said that Erdoğan became more of a dictator following the July 15 coup attempt. This man who perceives not surrendering to a coup as dictatorship, was in Büyükada on the night of the coup and was accompanied by a journalist working for the Turkish Karar Newspaper.

*Salih Tuna is a Turkish journalist and writer. He writes columns for  Yeni Şafaq Turkish newspaper)
(Published in Yeni Şafaq on Saturday, August 13, 2016)